For time: (time cap 20’) 30 Box Jumps 15 Clean & Jerk (95/65lbs) 30 Box Jumps 15 Clean & Jerk (135/85lbs) 30 Box Jumps 10 Clean & Jerk (185/115lbs) 30 Pistols 10 Clean & Jerk (225/145lbs) 30 Pistols 5 Clean & Jerk (275/175lbs) 30 Pistols 5 Clean & Jerk (315/205lbs)
A. STRENGTH: Thrusters In 20’, reach a H3 B. 3 Rounds: 18 V-Ups 15/12 Cal Row 12 Thrusters (42’5/30kg)
5 Rounds for time: 7 Front Squat (80/60kg) 14 Pull Ups 21 Push Ups 42 Double Unders (unbroken)
9 Rounds of 2’ On : 2’ Off Alternating A1. 400m Run + Max Burpees A2. 400m Run + Max V-Ups A3. 400m Run + Max Kb Swing (24/16kg)
A. STRENGTH: Jerk Balance 1-1-1-1-1-1 B. AMRAP 12’: 6 Jerk (60/40kg) 12 Toes to bar 18 Wallball Shots
For time: 21 deadlifts (weight 1) 21 handstand push-ups 15 deadlifts (weight 1) 15 handstand push-ups 9 deadlifts (weight 1) 9 handstand push-ups 21 deadlifts (weight 2) 50-ft. handstand walk 15 deadlifts (weight 2) 50-ft. handstand walk 9 deadlifts (weight 2) 50-ft. handstand walk ♀ deadlift 155 lb. then 205 lb. ♂ deadlift 225 lb. then 315 lb. Time cap: 9 minutes
A. STRENGTH: Snatch EMOM 12’: 1 @65%+ B. For time: 20 Snatch (40/25kg) 20 Wallball Shots 15 Snatch (65/40kg) 20 Wallball Shots 10 Snatch (80/55kg) 20 Wallball Shots 5 Snatch (95/70kg) 20 Wallball Shots
A. STRENGTH: Front Squat In a 20’ window, reach a H3 Then, 1 x AMAP @85% of H3 B. EMOM 8’: 1) L-Sit 20” 2) 15- 20 Good Morning (20/15kg)
A. STRENGTH: Ring Dips 5-5-5-5-5 B. For Time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Ring Dips 200m Run
For time: 5 Wall Climb 10 Pull Ups 20 Box Jumps 30 V-Ups 40 Kb Swing (32/24kg) 50 Cal Assault Bike