WOD 12012017
at WOD - by queironcrossfit
“FRIDAY TEAMS” AMRAP 20′: 50 Deadlift @100/70kg (min 5) 100 Cal Row (min 15) 50 HSPU (min 5) 100 Wallball Shots (min 15)
“FRIDAY TEAMS” AMRAP 20′: 50 Deadlift @100/70kg (min 5) 100 Cal Row (min 15) 50 HSPU (min 5) 100 Wallball Shots (min 15)
A. STRENGTH: Squat Clean 20′ to Reach 1RM B. For Time: 9-7-5 Squat Clean (90/65kg) Wall Climb
A. SKILLS: Kb Snatch B. AMRAP 6′: 16 Cal Assault Bike 12 Kb Snatch (32/24kg) 8 Burpee Box Jump Rest 3′ Repeat AMRAP 6′
A. STRENGTH: Strict Pull Ups 20′ to 2RM B. 2 Rounds of: 50 SDHP (40/25kg) 40 V-Up 30 Pull Ups
A. STRENGTH: Back Squat 5-5-3-5-5-5+ B. Rotate for 4 Rounds: B1. Good Morning x 15 (20/15kg) Rest 30″ B2. Box Jumps x 12 (90/70cm) Rest 90″
A. STRENGTH: Strict Press 5-5-3-5-5-5+ B. 4 Rounds: Max Strict Pull Ups Max Strict Ring Dips 2-3′ Rest
A. EMOM 15′: Clean & Jerk 1 Rep @65%+ B. AMRAP 12′: 40 Double Unders 10 Front Squat (60/40kg) 5 HSPU
“FRAN” 21/15/9 Thrusters (43/29kg) Pull Ups
A. STRENGTH: Squat Snatch 20′ to reach a heavy 1 B. 3 Rounds of: 10 Squat Snatch (60/40kg) 15 Toes to Bar
A. AMRAP 14′: 50 Double Unders 25 Wallball Shots 12 Good Morning (20/15kg) B. TABATA: Core
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