WOD 05052021
at WOD - by queironcrossfit
A. EFFICIENCY: Power Clean 10-10-10-10-10 B. 12′ AMRAP: 9 power clean (60/40) 15 High Box Jump (70/60cm)
A. EFFICIENCY: Power Clean 10-10-10-10-10 B. 12′ AMRAP: 9 power clean (60/40) 15 High Box Jump (70/60cm)
A. STRENGTH: Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2 @86%+ B. EMOM 8′: – 40″ L-Sit – 40″ Banded Hamstrings Curl
A. SKILLS: Kipping HSPU In a 15’ window, max deficit B. AMRAP 9’ 10 HSPU 10 DB Power Clean (2×22`5/15) 30 Unboken Double Unders
3 sets of (alt machines) 30-seconds Assault bike for calories : 15-seconds rest 30-seconds DB Hang C&J @22.5/15 : 15-seconds rest 30-seconds Assault bike for calories : 15-seconds rest 30-seconds Box-jump overs 24/20”: 15-seconds rest 30-seconds Assault bike for calories : 15-seconds rest 30-seconds DB Hang C&J: 15-seconds rest 30-seconds Assault bike for calories : 15-seconds
A. SKILLS: Dragonfly B. 3 Rounds: 21 Toes to Bar 15/leg Goblet Lunges 9 Wall Climb
Open Games 13.1 AMRAP 17’ 40 Burpees 30 Snatches (35/20) 30 Burpees 30 Snatches (63/35) 20 Burpees 30 Snatches (75/45) 10 Burpees AMAP Snatches (95/54)
“STRONGMAN” 25′ EMOM: – SB bear hug: 40” – Double KB push press: 7-10 – SB over shoulder: 5 – Double russian KBS: 7-10 – Rest
A. STRENGTH: Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 @84%+ B. EMOM 12’ 1) DB OH Hold 2) Hollow Hold 3) Superman Hold 4) Wall Sit
A. SKILLS: Muscle Up B. For time: 30 ring MU* * each time you stop, 200m run + 5 burpees to target
A. STRENGTH: Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 @84% B. 3 rounds: Birddog row: 8/side Cossack squat: 8/side Chin up knees to elbows: 8
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