WOD 25082020
at WOD - by queironcrossfit
A. STRENGTH: Strict C2B 5-5-5-5-5 B. 3 rounds: 400m run 21 KBS (24/16) 15 V’ups 9 CTB
A. STRENGTH: Strict C2B 5-5-5-5-5 B. 3 rounds: 400m run 21 KBS (24/16) 15 V’ups 9 CTB
A. STRENGTH: Sumo Deadlift In a 20′ window, reach H5 B. 12′ EMOM: – one-leg wall sit left 40” – Hanging L-sit 30” – one-leg wall sit right 40” – Table hold 40”
A. STRENGTH: Press H5 in 20′ then, 1 x AMAP @85% B. For time: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Push Jerk (70/50kg) 50m Farmer Carry
A. STRENGTH: Back Squat H5 in 20′ then, 1 x AMAP @85% B. EMOM 8′ 1) 20m Long Jump 2) 30-40 Lateral Vups
A. SKILLS: Bar Muscle Up B. For Time: 40 Bar Muscle Up* * Every break, 15/12 Cal
A. STRENGTH: Thrusters H5 in a 20′ Window AMRAP 10′: 12 Thrusters (45/30kg) 12 Bar Facing Burpees
For time: 1000m Run 30 HSPU 30 Devil Press 30 Push ups 1000m Run
A. STRENGTH: Deadlift In a 20′ window, reach a H5 then, 1 x AMAP @85% B. EMOM 10′: 1) Bird Dog 45″ 2) Hollow Hold 45″
“Jackie” For time: 1000 meter row 50 Thrusters (45 lbs) 30 Pull-ups
Pick 2 Exercises: Row, Run, Assault Bike or Skierg A1. AMRAP 5′: Max meters Rest 1′ B1. AMRAP 5′: Max meters Rest 1′ A2. For time: meters of A1 Rest 1′ B2. For time: meters of B1 Rest 1′
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