WOD 20032019
at WOD - by queironcrossfit
A. STRENGTH: Deadlift In 20’, reach a H4 Then, 1 x AMAP @85% B. EMOM 10’: 1) Max DB Box Step Up 2) Max Hollow Rocks
A. STRENGTH: Deadlift In 20’, reach a H4 Then, 1 x AMAP @85% B. EMOM 10’: 1) Max DB Box Step Up 2) Max Hollow Rocks
3 Rounds of 9’ On : 4’ Off Alternating Bike, Row & Mountain Climbers 10” On : 50” Recovery 20” On : 40” Recovery 30” On : 30” Recovery 40” On : 20” Recovery 50” On : 10” Recovery 40” On : 20” Recovery 30” On : 30” Recovery 20” On : 40” Recovery 10” On : 50” Recovery
Workout 19.4 For total time: 3 rounds of: 10 snatches (43/29kg) 12 bar-facing burpees Then, rest 3 minutes before continuing with: 3 rounds of: 10 bar muscle-ups 12 bar-facing burpees Time cap: 12 minutes
A. STRENGTH: Power Clean Every 90” x 10: 3 (1.1.1) @65%+ B. AMRAP 10’: 6 Power Clean (70/50kg) 12 Facing Bar Burpees 18 V-Ups
A.SKILLS: Bar Muscle Up B. 5 Rounds: 3 Bar Muscle Up 20 Wallball Shots 1 Suicide Run
A.STRENGTH: Strict Press In 20’, reach a Heavy 4 Then, 1 x AMAP @85% of A B. EMOM 8’: 1) 10-15 Ring Rows 2) 20” Hanging L-Sit
A. SKILLS: Tire Flip B. 4 Rounds: 6 Tire Flip 400m Run 20 Push Ups
For time: 200-ft. dumbbell overhead lunge (50/35lbs) 50 dumbbell box step-ups 50 strict handstand push-ups 200-ft. handstand walk Time cap: 10 minutes
A. STRENGTH: Back Squat In 20’, reach a Heavy 4 Then, 1 x AMAP @85-90% of H4 B. 4 Rounds for quality: 45” Hollow Hold 15 Hip Extension
A. STRENGTH: Power Snatch 10 x 3 (1.1.1) @65%+ Every 90” B. AMRAP 8’: 5 Power Snatch (60/40kg) 10 Push Ups 15 Box Jump Over
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